Thursday, September 29, 2016

READ THIS if you want to be in "The Music Man"

Click on this link to read the note that is available for pick up in the office:

Barbershop Quartet Audition

Audition Date: Oct. 10 --sign up outside of Mrs. Crane's room!
The singers in the barbershop quartet have to been 100% confident holding their note perfectly while 3 other singers harmonize with them. They have to have excellent pitch, and tons of personality! They are humorous, and TALENTED.

For this audition, select ONE line/part of music to have memorized:
Jacey is the high tenor, Ewart is the lead/tenor, Oliver is the baritone, Olin is the low bass. Select the part that you feel best matches  your vocal abilities. Practice and memorize your line so that you can confidently sing it! Then at the audition, you will sing with 2-3 other voices to demonstrate your ability to harmonize.

Click on this link to see the music!

Audition for Harold Hill

Audition Date: Oct 10th--sign up outside Mrs. Crane's room!
Harold Hill is THE STAR of "The Music Man." This is a major, demanding role. If you are cast as Harold, this has to be your top priority until April 1, the night our show closes. You have to be committed to study and be completely memorized by January 1. You have to take care of your health and not do anything to jeopardize this production. You will be a leader and will be expected to have the best behavior and highest moral standards so others can look to you. This is a BIG DEAL! Are you ready for the challenge? Yes? Then read on: Harold's audition has 3 parts: 1. Ya Got Trouble and 2. Seventy-Six trombones, plus 3. a reading with Marian. Study all 3 parts. Be memorized before you come in! Be prepared and have a great attitude. Sign up for a time slot outside of Mrs. Crane's room. We will have a young lady present to read for Marian.
Listen to the songs on youtube to practice with a professional!
 Click on this link to see/print Harold's audition: