Saturday, February 28, 2015

Parent Note

Hi, Wonderful Parents! Wow! Your kids have been working so hard and having so much fun! They are putting together such a great show. You're going to love it. I can't wait for  you to see what they've accomplished.

I sent a note home last week and am attaching it below if  you didn't get to see one. There were several students absent that missed it.  Absences really need to come to a stop in March so we can wrap up the final details of our show. With the trimester ending, we get to put up our set and that really puts a kink in the staging. We need to really know WHO goes where, which means we need every performer up on that stage.  We're almost done...just a few more weeks. Hang in there and hopefully you'll feel like it was worth all the effort here very soon!****Many students have not missed at all and have been so faithful in their attendance.  THANK YOU!

LONGER PRACTICES: Watch the calendar because with March comes longer practices. We have to do staging with the set, lighting design, costume checks, and lots of other exciting things to make sure you have something cool to see when you come to our show.  Please be patient.

I will work to keep you informed. There are lots of girls waiting for their skirts/dresses. We are sewing and HOPING that darn shipment gets here soon. If you are waiting for a costume item from me, please don't stress. We will make sure every person on that stage looks wonderful.

The Note you may have missed:
Feb. 24 Bye Bye Birdie Updates:
TICKET SALES: Tickets go on sale in the office starting next Monday,                        March 2. Hours of Sales: 9 am-1 pm. Students can buy theirs at lunch. Tickets for the general public go on sale  Wednesday , so come on in and gets yours early for the best                                     seats!  We hope you’ll come more than once, bring family                                   and friends and really support these talented kids! Tickets                                   are $6.00.
Costumes:  Mae's Dancers: All black!!! I am ordering your Boas. Kim and Co. Girls—your dresses got returned to England  because they misprinted the shipping address back on Feb. 1, but I’ve been in contact with them and they should be here by our costume day, Mar. 5th.  March 5, all cast members bring all costume pieces for a costume check. We will make any changes/plans to change we need to that day. It’s quite a process to get costumes on this many kids! I appreciate the efforts of SO MANY wonderful parents to allow these students this opportunity. Students, I hope you’ve told  your parents THANK YOU!
___________________________cut here_________________________________
Parent Volunteers: Please return the bottom portion of this note to Mrs. Crane at Thursday’s practice. Thanks for being willing to help our show be successful!
(Check One. You will be contacted the first week of March with your assignment.)
____I would be willing to provide a snack for 2 dozen.
____I am willing to provide backstage monitoring.
____I’ll do whatever you need!
The best way to contact me is (give us the ph # or email address you use most frequently) : _____________________________________________________

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