Saturday, December 14, 2013


Monday, Dec. 16, 6-6:45 p.m

Brief (but important) Parent's Meeting at BEMS auditorium

If you can NOT be at the meeting, you need to let Mrs. Crane or Mr. Forsgren know. Every student in the cast has to sign a contract agreeing to their part and committing to best behavior. You will receive your rehearsal calendars at this meeting.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


**Please read the list carefully. Your name might be listed in more than one role.**
Capt. George Brackett, U.S.N.-----124
Commander William Harbison-----125
Yeoman Herbert Quale-----244
R.O. Bob McCaffrey-----150
James Hayes "Sailor"-----153
Tom O`Brien-----135
Luther Billis-----247
Lt. Joseph Cable, U.S.M.C.-----131
Bloody Mary-----107
Bloody Mary's Assistant-----147
Ensign Nellie Forbush-----138
Ensign Dinah Murphy-----181
Ensign Janet MacGregor-----204
Lead Nurse-----175
Emile de Becque-----164
Ngana (This role is double cast. You are also a nurse)-----196 and 225
NURSES ***Some nurses are also Island Women
260         117         111         105         171         142         136         126         120         114         108         112         100
127         115         109         103         119         101         122         139         191         144         168         145         151        
133         158         146         140         134         202         130         200         160         154         149         143         137        
173         265         170         155         195         189         183         190         184         178         203         197         185        
141         179         198         192         186         180         206         194         205         199         193         187         243
219         213         207         238         232         220         148         196         225
SAILORS, SEABEES AND MARINES***Some Sailors are also Island Men  
188         182         104         123         165         159         116         102         118         106         121         128         156        
162         132         174         176         169         157         201         166         167         161         237         226         214
208         241         235         152         261         110         129         262
208         237         161         201         157         132         116         121         106         102         148         219         243        
187         193         205         194         186         178         184         190         155         173         143         146         158        
191         122         115         114         120        

STUDENT DIRECTORS:                    Emily Harames and Jace Chadwick
STUDENT CHOREOGRAPHERS:   Sadie Walker and McKayla Cannon

Forgot your number?? See Mrs. Crane's door at room 1.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The following students need to stay after school, Weds. Dec 11, for SOUTH PACIFIC callbacks. If you are not listed below, you still need to check the cast list on Friday! These are just the students we need to see again:

 135, 182, 244, 106, 128, 113, 226, 177, 174, 118,161, 188, 152, 116, 106          
Emile:                        172, 125, 131, 164, 102, 150
Cable:                        132, 121, 131, 164, 153
Luther:                      124, 132, 247, 131, 208, 226
Bloody Mary:             112, 107, 178, 181, 138, 100, 204, 189
Nellie:                       117, 175, 200, 204, 107, 138, 171
Liat:                            193, 163, 196, 184, 147, 205, 148
Ngana:                      232, 137, 191, 196, 225

***Forgot your number??   See Mrs. Crane in room #1.

Luther's Laundry Machine

Check out another crazy-cool contraption created by our genius set-builder, Dr. LaMar Johnson:

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Tomorrow, Monday, Dec. 2, is the big day. (Well, the medium big day. The BIG day is next week...)
Head down to the Fine Arts Foyer outside of Mr. Forsgren and Mrs. Crane's rooms. Sign up for your time slot to audition for SOUTH PACIFIC. 

This year, you need to plan on being at the audition 20 minutes BEFORE your assigned time. This will allow you to check in and learn the short song and dance required by every person auditioning. Plan on being at your audition for about 40 minutes total.  So, if your audition is at 4:00 p.m., show up at 3:40 to check in and learn the song.  Then you will give your group audition, followed by your solo audition (for leads only) if desired. I can't wait to see you there! Bring a friend. Bring two!


Friday, November 22, 2013

South Pacific Set Under Construction Already!!
Dr. LaMar Johnson, a talented Brigham City veterinarian, has been working hard designing and building a beautiful set for OUR show!  He is volunteering his time and talents to help BEMS have an amazing set. We are so lucky to have him. If you see Dr. Johnson, tell him THANK YOU.  None of the pieces are completely finished yet, but check out what he's built so far!

The top photo is Emile De Becque's Plantation home. It will sit on Stage left. The next photo is another view of Emile's home. Check out the marble columns, beautiful wood beams and awesome floor!  The third photo shows Dr. Johnson working on Luther Billis' laundry machine. He got an ACTUAL airplane propeller that will spin when the laundry is running! The washing machine isn't built yet, but I can't wait to see the finished product. The bottom photo shows some actual ammo boxes that Dr. Johnson found online and purchased for us. He stacked them together and put them on a black base that rolls so we can move them around the stage.  He's genius!  Stay tuned to see pictures of Bloody Mary's hut, palm trees and much more. Tambi Tueller is painting our backdrop and it's going to be beautiful too.

Spread the word...SOUTH PACIFIC is going to be so darn awesome!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Don't be.

Auditions are fun, not scary.

Aaaaaand, it's worth it. 

The show is going to be SO AWESOME.

Just sayin'. You should be in it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flex Time Audition Helps with Mrs. Crane

Thanks to all of you awesome BEMS students that have been coming to our Thursday/Friday flex schedule audition helps. Unfortunately, due to the trimester ending and Thanksgiving, we won't be able to meet for a couple of weeks.  Sorry! Practice on your own, with your friends, or with someone who can give you good advice. We will meet again the week before auditions, Thursday Dec. 5 and Friday Dec. 6. On those days, I will run through each of the lead characters songs, reteach the audition dance, and give you some final encouragement to have a successful audition.  Plan on attending, and bring your friends that are interested in being a part of SOUTH PACIFIC.

You will be able to sign up for your audition times starting December 2. There will also be stage crew sign ups available for those interested. Then auditions will be held December 9 and 10, with callbacks the following day.

Are you excited? We hope so, because this is going to be so fun! Oh yeah!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


I've had a few students ask how I plan on handling the swearing, romance, and costumes for SOUTH PACIFIC.  I have given them all the same answer and thought I'd put it on this blog for all students and parents to see:  I am a very "G" rated person, and this will be a "G" rated production.  There won't be any swearing,  the romance will be appropriate for all audiences, and all persons involved will feel comfortable in their costumes.

This show has some wonderful messages, really fun music, lots of laughs and romance. We're going to have a wonderful time! I can't wait to see you at auditions!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bring this form to the audition!

BEMS Musical Audition/Contract Form
Please bring this page, completed and signed to hand in at audition.
Name: PRINT______________________________              Grade   ________
                             (first)                               (last)                                                              (8,9)
Address: ____________________________                                                 
City_________ State_______Zip______                                             Age:_____Gender:  M  F    Height:____Hair:____

Your Home Phone#________Your Cell#___________                                      Parent Name_________________ Cell:_____________
Parent Name_________________Cell:_____________
 Previous Acting/ Dancing/Singing/Athletic Experience or Formal Training. List all that apply. Feel free to use the back of the form if you need more space.

Theatre Experience  Please complete with most recent work first:

Date/ Year

Play/Show Name

Organization/ School



Role(s) I am auditioning for:_________________________________________________________
Would you be willing to accept other roles?  Yes   No 
Are there any roles you would NOT like to be considered for?________________________________
Are you willing to be a member of the chorus/ensemble?___________________________________
Prior Commitments:  Check your calendar carefully for the months of Jan., Feb., and Mar., 2014.  List any scheduled conflicts you will have during those months, particularly March!
Tip: Students, use the checklist below to assist you when considering conflicts and activities that need to be listed J
Church Activities/Programs/Sports                  Drivers Ed                     Sports/Lessons/Training        Difficult classes                         Academic Clubs Babysitting     Field trips          Teams         Weddings/Family Events Conferences           Family Trips/Weekend Plans
Dr./ Dentist Appts.                    Work        Tryouts: club, cheer, dance, sports
The Contract        We understand the rehearsal commitment for South Pacific and will do our best to attend all scheduled rehearsals. We understand that students will be dismissed from the cast and replaced after 3 unexcused absences. We appreciate the opportunity for students to perform in a school production and will give our best effort.

________________Parent Signature _______________Student Signature

SOUTH PACIFIC audition packet

SOUTH PACIFIC                  
2013-2014 BEMS School Musical Audition Packet ___________________________________
Attention all BEMS students! You are invited to come audition for your school musical.  We have chosen  SOUTH PACIFIC as our show this year. This is a classic, famous musical with beautiful music, lots of fun, and a powerful message about prejudice. SOUTH PACIFIC has multiple male and female leads, and a huge cast of military personnel and nurses.  We are providing this information packet for you so that you can give the best possible audition. Please read through the information carefully, mark your calendars, and find someone who can play piano to help you prepare!  WE PROMISE IT WILL BE A GOOD EXPERIENCE. So put your best foot forward and start getting ready now!
·         Audition dates are Monday, Dec. 9 and Tuesday, Dec. 10. Callbacks will be as needed Dec. 11 and Dec. 12. Cast list will be posted at the BEMS office on Friday, Dec. 13.
·         MANDATORY PARENT'S MEETING for all cast members on Monday, Dec. 16, from 6-7 p.m. If you want to be in the show, you need an adult representative there for you that night. If an adult cannot represent you at the meeting, you must tell Mrs. Crane or Mr. Forsgren BEFORE Dec. 16. Parent support is critical for a successful musical!
·         Consider your schedule carefully! If you are auditioning for a lead role,  SOUTH PACIFIC must be your top priority for the months of January, February and March 2014. If you are cast in ANY role for the show, you must make attending rehearsal a top priority. Roll will be taken and any cast member with 3 unexcused absences from rehearsal will be dropped.
·         Show Performance Dates are: March 20,21, 22, and 24.
·         SHOW BLOG:  go to and click on the "School Musical" link to find all important information regarding our show including audition info, rehearsal schedules and other updates as needed.
·         Do you have a friend that would like to be involved but doesn't want to be on stage? We will need organized, happy individuals to be backstage directors, stage crew and assistants of all kinds. Spread the word.

Step 1.  Decide for which role you would like to audition.
·         Emile de Becque  (Wealthy, French island plantation owner. In love with                                         Nellie. Middle-aged, serious nature.)
·         Lt. Joseph Cable   (Young officer, handsome, confident, wealthy,                                                     prejudiced, falls in love with Liat.)
·         Luther Billis          (Navy Seabee with multiple financial schemes. Trying                                         to make the most of being stuck on an island. Great                                       comedic timing. Admires the nurses, especially                                                Nellie.)
            Non-singing LEADS:
·         Stewpot                                                           (Friend to Luther Billis)
·         Capt. George Brackett, United States Navy  (Assistant to the Commander)
·         Cmdr. William Harbison, United States Navy (Head of Island Operations)
·         Marines, Sailors and Seabees  (various military personnel on an island in                                                      the South Pacific "waiting for the action" of                                                   World War II.)
Step 2:  Review the requirements for your desired part. Memorize the speaking parts and get                     help with the music!  We will have a piano player at the auditions, but you need to know        how to sing with someone playing. Practice!  Mrs. Crane will be holding auditions helps            on Thursday and Friday during Flex Time to assist anyone that needs it.  Practice your        audition in front of your family or others that can give you honest advice.
Step 3: Sign up for an audition time.  Signup sheets will be posted outside of Room 1.
Step 4:  Show up ON TIME for your audition with a smile on your face and lots of confidence.
Step 5: Be proud of yourself for doing your best and having a great audition!

1.   Please memorize the following lines:
The others saw him standing behind me. I turned, and he said to me, "I am going to kill you now." We fought. I was never so strong. I knocked him to the ground. And when he fell, his head struck a stone and...(He turns away and lets NELLIE imagine the rest.) I ran to the waterfront and joined a cargo boat. I didn't even know where it was going. I stepped off the boat into another world-- (He looks around him, loving all he sees.)--where I am now...and where I want to stay.
2.  Please come prepared to sing this portion of "Some Enchanted Evening":

1.  Please memorize the following lines:
Here you are, Sweaty Pie! Put them down, Professor. These beautiful skirts were made by myself, the Professor here, and three other Seabees in half the time it takes your native workers to make `em. (He picks up a skirt and demonstrates.) See? No stretch!(Throwing the skirt back on the ground.) Look `em over, Sweaty Pie, and give me your price! (Taking bracelet and showing G.I.'s who have huddled around him.) You know what that is? A bracelet made of a single boar's tooth. They cut the tooth from the boar's mouth in a big ceremonial over there on Bali Ha'i. There ain't a souvenir you can pick up in the South Pacific as valuable as this... (to Bloody Mary) what do you want for it, Mary?
2. Please come prepared to sing this portion of "Nothin' Like a Dame:"

1. Please memorize the following lines:
            ***You will play Lt. Cable, someone will read the other lines for you.
CABLE: (with decisive authority) Come on, everybody. Take all this stuff and throw it over that                            fence.
BILLIS:  All right--take it way down there. Off Navy property!
CABLE: (strides over to BLOODY MARY and points off) You go too.
BLOODY MARY:   Alright, Lootellan. Thank you.
BRACKETT:  Lieutenant, who are you, anyway?
CABLE:  I'm Lieutenant Joseph Cable, sir. I just flew in on that PBY.
BRACKETT:  A joy ride?
CABLE:  No, sir. Orders.
2.  Please come prepared to sing this portion of Carefully Taught

1. Please memorize the following lines:
ADAMS:  (He accompanies the following speech with descriptive gestures.) Well, sir, we'd been               out there about an hour--it was still dark, I know.  Well, we were flying across                                        Marie Louisa. The Jap anti-aircraft spotted us and made that hit. That's when                           fellow here--that's when he...left the ship. I just circled once--                          time enough to drop him a rubber boat. Some New Zealanders in P-40's spotted                          him though and kept circling around him while I flew across the island and landed               alongside the sub, let Joe and the Frenchman off. By the time I got back to the                                 other side of the island, our Navy planes were flying around in the air above this                                  guy like a thick swarm of bees.
CHORUS (Navy, Marines, Seabees):
1. You will be taught a short song and dance to perform at the audition in groups of 5. You will sing with     your group (not alone) while dancing.
2. Please memorize the following song lyrics before coming to the audition:
            "A hundred and one pounds of fun. That's my little Honey Bun! Get a load of Honey Bun tonight! I'm speaking of my sweetie pie. Only sixty inches high--Every inch is packed    with dynamite!"